Is it Possible to Move to Montreal Without Speaking French?

Montreal is the second largest city in Canada (after Toronto) and the biggest city in the French-speaking province of Quebec.

The economy of Montreal accounts for around 54.8% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Quebec province and has thousands of jobs in aerospace, commerce, engineering, finance, information technology, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, transportation and other business sectors.

The majority of Montreal’s population speaks French, although there are many residents who speak English.

A common question asked by many prospective immigrants is: Can I move to Montreal if I don’t speak French?

This article will answer that practical question and also discuss the job prospects and social life for English speakers living in Montreal, so keep reading to learn the essential information!

Table of Contents

Is Montreal French-Speaking?

Approximately 71% of the people living in Montreal speak French as their primary language, about 6.7% speak both French and English as their main languages and around 20.4% of Montreal residents speak English as their primary language.

So, yes, Montreal is mostly French-speaking, although many residents also know the English language to varying degrees.

Can I Move to Montreal Without Speaking French?

In order to immigrate to Quebec as a skilled foreign worker, an individual is required to demonstrate at least an intermediate level of French-language proficiency as part of the Canadian immigration process for Quebec.

Someone can move to Montreal without speaking French, since 20.4% of Montreal’s residents speak English as their main language and 6.4% speak English and French as their primary languages (i.e., they can switch back and forth between the two languages).

Nonetheless, it is practical to know French if you plan to live and work in Montreal, because 71% of the people living there speak French, most of the jobs in Montreal require French language proficiency, the signs are written in French and knowing French is important for social interactions and other common activities.

Job Prospects For English Speakers in Montreal

There are many international companies that operate in Montreal and conduct business in English, so these are some of the best places for English-speakers to work in Montreal.

Of course, someone who speaks both French and English will have many opportunities to find jobs in Montreal.

Aside from international companies that want English-speakers and other exceptions to the rule, employers in Montreal and throughout Quebec generally prefer to hire French-speakers, since that is the dominant language of the province spoken by the majority of the population.

Thus, people who only speak English (or who don’t speak French) can work in Montreal, but their job prospects will be limited.

Social Life For English Speakers in Montreal

First of all, it is totally acceptable to speak English when living in Montreal, since English is one of Canada’s two official languages and about one out of every five Montreal residents speaks English. 

There are also several districts and neighborhoods in the Montreal metropolitan area (particularly in the western part of the city) where English is widely spoken, such as Baie d’Urfé, Beaconsfield, Côte-St-Luc, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Dorval, Downtown, Hampstead, Hudson, Kirkland, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Pointe-Claire, Senneville, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, and Westmount.

Thus, if you visit or live in Montreal’s neighborhoods where a large percentage of the residents speak English, it may be easier to socialize as an English-speaker.

Having said this, if you are an English-speaker and you plan to live in Montreal or elsewhere in the province of Quebec, it will be beneficial for you to know the French language which can be the key that opens the door to career, social and other opportunities for you.

3 Tips for Living in Montreal Without Speaking French

  • Learn which employers are seeking English-speakers in Montreal and assess your employment opportunities
  • Find out where the English-speaking neighborhoods are and create a support network of new friends
  • Don’t be afraid to speak English (over half of the people living in Quebec can have a conversation in English)

Nevertheless, it is a good idea to learn French phrases and words for everyday activities and then expand your French language skills over time, especially if you are serious about living in Montreal long-term.


Although Montreal is French speaking, it is quite possible to move to Montreal if you don’t speak French.

If you are a skilled foreign worker not already living in Canada as a permanent resident, then you will need to have (as of 2023) at least intermediate French language skills for immigration to Quebec from your country.

Knowing the French language is also practical when you live in Montreal, because it can help you with travel (the signs in Quebec are in French), banking, shopping, dining at restaurants, employment, making friends, receiving government services, etc.

In the event that you don’t want to learn French, but you do want to immigrate to Canada, the good news for you is that English is a widely-spoken language in the other nine Canadian provinces and the three territories.

To immigrate to Canada, a skilled foreign worker must generally possess good English or French language skills, have an eligible occupation that qualifies for a Canadian immigration program, be in good health, have good character and satisfy other criteria.

Of course, the skilled foreign worker will also need to correctly complete the application process for Canadian immigration in order to become a permanent resident of Canada. 

Canada is seeking more immigrants and plans to welcome a record 465,000 new Canadian permanent residents in 2023; 485,000 in 2024; 500,000 in 2025; and 500,000 in 2026.

You and your family could be among these new permanent residents if you complete the Canadian immigration process successfully!

Since 2012, Canadian Visa Expert has been working with authorized immigration consultants who can evaluate your eligibility for immigration to Canada and guide you through each step of the application process if you qualify.



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Montreal is French speaking, so people are expected to speak French, since it is the primary language there. It is possible, however, to move to Montreal without speaking French, since over 20% of Montreal’s residents speak English and there are many neighborhoods where English is widely spoken. Knowing how to speak French in Montreal is more of a practical matter, especially if you plan to live and work in Montreal, since it makes it easier to find employment, make friends, go shopping, travel, conduct banking, order at restaurants, receive government services, etc.

Yes, a person can move to Montreal without speaking French, since English is spoken by about one out of five people living in Montreal, there are international businesses that hire English-speakers and there are many neighborhoods where a large percentage of the residents speak English. Having said that, if a skilled foreign worker is not living in Canada as a permanent resident and wants to immigrate to Quebec from his or her country, then it is mandatory (as of 2023) to demonstrate at least intermediate level French language skills as part of the Canadian immigration process for Quebec. 

Montreal is French speaking, but also English speaking, with around 71% of the residents speaking French as their primary language, about 6.7% speaking both French and English as their main language and approximately 20.4% speaking English as their primary language. 

Yes, of course, it is OK to speak English in Montreal, since English and French are both official languages of Canada, a large percentage of the people who live in Montreal speak English, and English is a well-known ‘international’ language spoken by many businesspeople and tourists who arrive in the city. If you know how to speak French, however, it will be easier to travel in Montreal (the signs are in French), find employment, make friends, go shopping, conduct banking, order at restaurants, etc.

Yes, a person can live in Quebec without speaking French, however, it will be easier to find work in Quebec, socialize, travel in the province (the signs are only in French), do banking, go shopping, receive government services, etc. If you are a skilled foreign worker not living in Canada and you want to immigrate to Quebec from your country, then it is required (as of 2023) for you to show that you possess at least intermediate French language abilities as part of the Canadian immigration process for Quebec.

Montreal and Toronto are both great places to live in Canada and among the best cities in the world, offering good job opportunities, world-class education, a high quality of life and a variety of activities to enjoy. In general, Montreal may be a better city for French-speakers to live in Canada and Toronto may be better-suited for English-speakers; however, many French speakers live in Toronto and many English-speakers live in Montreal. The cost of living and housing is generally less expensive in Montreal (and other cities in Quebec) than in Toronto, so that is something to consider. Whether Montreal or Toronto is better for you can also be affected by the job opportunities available to you in each city. 

Around 20.4% of the people living in Montreal speak English as their main language, about 71% speak French as their primary language, and approximately 6.7% speak English and French as their main languages (i.e., they can switch back and forth between the two languages).


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