How to Move to Canada as an Agriculture Worker?

During 2022, Canada was ranked as the #7 top exporter of agri-food, fish and seafood products, after the United States, Brazil, Netherlands, People’s Republic of China, Germany and France, according to the Canadian government.

Approximately 249,900 people work in Canada’s primary agriculture sector, which involves employment performed at farms, greenhouses and nurseries, contributing $36.3 billion CAD to the Canadian economy each year.

This includes 118,300 people who work in Canada’s crop production and 109,300 individuals who are employed in animal production.

There are agriculture jobs in Canada for foreigners available at many of the 189,874 Canadian farms that are primarily located in Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, southern Ontario and Quebec.

This article will discuss how to immigrate to Canada as a farmer, so if you are interested in applying for agriculture jobs in Canada for foreigners, continue reading to learn the essential information!

Table of Contents

Are Farmers in Demand in Canada?

There is a strong demand for farmers in Canada, due in large part to the fact that 40% of Canadian farmers are expected to retire between 2023 and 2033.

According to a recent report (April 2023) by the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), the average age of farmers who work in Canada is 56 years of age and the same report recommends that the government allow 24,000 foreigners to immigrate to Canada as a farm worker and an additional 30,000 foreigners to move to Canada as an agriculture facility operator. 

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business reported (November 2022) that 74% of agri-businesses in Canada are experiencing a shortage of workers.

Consequently, this is a good time to immigrate to Canada as a farm worker!


Reasons to Move to Canada as a Farmer

  • There are thousands of agriculture jobs in Canada for foreigners at many of the 189,874 farms.
  • Canada needs thousands of general farm workers as well as farm operators and managers.
  • Farmers and other agricultural workers earn good wages compared to many other countries.
  • Canadian visas are available for temporary foreign workers and new permanent residents.
  • Canada is an immigrant-friendly, multicultural country (23% of its residents are foreign-born).
  • There is a high standard of living in Canada, which is ranked #3 for quality of life after Sweden and Norway.
  • Canada is one of the world’s most prosperous and peaceful countries.
  • The rights of all people who work in Canada are protected by law.
  • In Canada, temporary foreign workers, permanent residents and citizens can receive free public healthcare.
  • Canada has beautiful beaches, parks, forests, mountains, lakes and other scenic outdoor areas.
  • Foreign agriculture workers who become Canadian permanent residents can:
    • Live in Canada for an unlimited amount of time;
    • Work in Canada for an unlimited time period;
    • Receive free or subsidized public healthcare;
    • Gain access to world-class Canadian education programs;
    • Have the opportunity to buy a home and/or start a business in Canada;
    • Travel to and from Canada according to the regulations;
    • Sponsor eligible family members for a Canadian visa;
    • Apply for Canadian citizenship after living in Canada for 3 out of 5 years!

How to Immigrate to Canada as a Farmer Worker?

Three major categories of foreigners who could move to Canada as an agriculture worker include:

  • Temporary Seasonal Foreign Agriculture Worker
  • Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW)
  • Permanent Resident of Canada

Key Canadian visa programs for foreign agriculture workers include:

Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP):

  • Work in Canada temporarily on a seasonal basis for any SAWP employer
  • In some cases, you might work in Canada for more than one SAWP employer
  • You must be a citizen of a country participating in the SAWP
  • You must have an occupation that is eligible for the SAWP
  • You must have been recruited for the SAWP by your government
  • Your government will generally provide the forms for you to complete
  • You must complete the application and pay the Canadian governmental fees
  • You will also need to satisfy the good character and other criteria

Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program:

  • Work in Canada on a temporary basis for a specific authorized employer 
  • You must receive a qualifying job offer from an approved employer in Canada
  • The employer must apply for and receive a favorable Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • You will generally need to file the application for a Canadian work permit through the TFW Program
  • You must also pay the Canadian governmental fees and satisfy the good character and other criteria

Agri-food Pilot Program:

  • The Agri-food Pilot Program offers Canadian permanent residency to eligible foreign workers and their families
  • This program is for non-seasonal foreign workers with experience in certain occupations and industries 
  • Requires one year of full-time non-seasonal work in Canada in the past three years in an eligible occupation
  • The Canadian work experience must have been through the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program
  • Your employer in Canada must have received a favorable Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • You must receive a language evaluation exam score equivalent to at least CLB 4 for English or NCLC 4 for French
  • You must have completed at least a secondary/high school education
  • If your education was from outside of Canada, you must get a favorable Education Credential Assessment (ECA)
  • To apply, you need a qualifying job offer for full-time permanent employment in Canada in an eligible occupation that is not in Quebec
  • You must file the application, pay the governmental fees and satisfy the good character, good health, proof of funds, and other criteria

Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)

  • The FSWP offers Canadian permanent residency to eligible skilled foreign workers and their families
  • At least 67 out of 100 points is needed for age, education, experience, English/French, job offer and adaptability
  • Requires at least one year of full-time paid work experience during the past 10 years in an eligible occupation
  • Occupations eligible for the FSWP are categorized by the 2021 National Occupation Code as TEER 0, 1, 2 or 3
  • Examples of relevant eligible occupations include: managers in agriculture; agricultural and fish products inspectors; agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists; agricultural service contractors and farm supervisors; and animal health technologists and veterinary technicians
  • If the applicant’s education was from outside of Canada, an Education Credential Assessment (ECA) is required
  • A score equivalent to CLB 7 for English or NCLC 7 for French is required from an approved evaluation exam
  • The proof of funds, good health, good character and other criteria must be satisfied
  • Application for the FSWP is made by creating an online Express Entry profile
  • An Invitation to Apply (ITA) must be received in order to apply for Canadian permanent residency
  • The Canadian governmental fees must also be paid when required
  • A decision is usually made within six months after a complete application for Canadian permanent residency through the FSWP is filed using the Express Entry system

Farm and Agriculture Work Sectors

  • Crop Production
  • Animal/Livestock Production
  • Food and Beverage Production

How to Find a Job in Canada as a Farmer?

One way to find agriculture jobs in Canada for foreigners is by using online job search platforms, such as the Canadian government’s Job Bank website.

A person could also create a LinkedIn online profile to network with farmers who have agriculture jobs in Canada

How Much Do Agriculture Jobs Pay in Canada?

According to the Canadian government’s Job Bank website, the national median wage (half-way between the highest and lowest wages) for various agriculture jobs in Canada are as follows:

  • Agriculture Products Inspector = $27.50 CAD per hour
  • Manager in Agriculture = $24.48 CAD per hour
  • Farm Supervisor = $23.00 CAD per hour
  • Animal Health Technologist and Veterinary Technician = $20.00 CAD per hour
  • Livestock Laborer = $18.00 CAD per hour
  • Harvesting Laborer = $15.50 CAD per hour

Where Is the Best Place to Live in Canada for Farming?

These five provinces are where most of the farms are located in Canada.

The best place to seek agriculture jobs in Canada for foreigners will also be affected by a person’s occupation (i.e., what is the individual’s farming specialization?).

Below, are the top agriculture commodities for the 10 Canadian provinces:

  • Alberta – cattle, canola and wheat
  • British Columbia – dairy and vegetables
  • Manitoba – canola, wheat and hogs
  • New Brunswick – potatoes and dairy
  • Newfoundland and Labrador – dairy and eggs
  • Nova Scotia – dairy, fruit and eggs
  • Ontario – dairy, vegetables and soybeans
  • Prince Edward Island – potatoes, dairy and cattle
  • Quebec – dairy, hogs and poultry
  • Saskatchewan – canola, wheat and cattle

Should You Move to Canada as a Farmer Worker? ?

Only you can decide if you should move to Canada as an agriculture worker, based on your evaluation of the potential opportunities and costs, what is important to you and your family, and other factors.

There is a strong demand for foreign farm workers in Canada that is forecast to continue throughout this decade as thousands of Canadian farmers retire.

In many cases, a person will move to Canada as a foreign farm worker on a temporary basis, such as through the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) or the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and then return to their home country.

Foreign farm workers who are employed full-time in Canada in an eligible non-seasonal occupation for at least one year in a three year period through the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program may have the opportunity to become Canadian permanent residents if they qualify for the Agri-food Pilot Program and complete the application process successfully.

Another potential pathway to Canadian permanent residency for skilled foreign agriculture workers is through the points-based Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP).

There may be other ways to immigrate to Canada as a farmer, such as through Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) or Quebec immigration programs.

Farming jobs in Canada are not among the highest-paying occupations, however, these types of jobs are generally located in rural areas where housing and the cost of living is lower.

It is worth noting that people who work in Canada, including temporary foreign workers, have rights that are protected by law.

Furthermore, Canada is an immigrant-friendly, multicultural country where foreign-born farmers can feel at home. 

Canada is consistently listed year after year among the top countries with the best quality of life and it is one of the most peaceful countries in the world.

Over 450,000 people immigrate to Canada as new permanent residents every year and more than 100,000 temporary work permits are also issued annually.

You could be among the hundreds of thousands of foreign workers who choose to move to Canada each year either on a temporary basis or as Canadian permanent residents, depending on your occupation, experience and other factors.

The first step is to find out if you are eligible to immigrate to Canada as a farm worker and also explore potential Canadian job opportunities.


Canada is one of the world’s top agricultural countries and it is experiencing a major shortage of farm workers. 

Perhaps, you want to immigrate to Canada as a farmer, but you’re not sure if you are eligible or what you need to do.

Canadian Visa Expert works with authorized immigration consultants who can evaluate your eligibility for immigration to Canada (whether you are a foreign farmer or have a different occupation) and they can guide you through each step of the application process if you qualify.



Discover Frequently Asked Questions from Our Support

There are thousands of agriculture jobs in Canada for foreigners, but an individual needs to be authorized to live and work in Canada as a temporary foreign worker, permanent resident or citizen of Canada. Canadian Visa Expert works with authorized immigration consultants who can evaluate your eligibility for immigration to Canada and guide you through the application process if you qualify. 

Yes, around 40% of Canadian farmers are expected to retire between 2023 and 2033, so tens of thousands of foreign farmers are needed to help replace them. 

There are several Canadian visa programs for different types of foreign farmers, such as the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP), Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program, Agri-food Pilot Program, and Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP).The SAWP and TFW Program permit foreign farmers to live and work in Canada on a temporary basis, after which they will return to their home countries. The Agri-food Pilot Program offers a pathway to permanent residency in Canada to foreign farmers with at least one year of full-time non-seasonal Canadian work experience through the TFW Program during the previous three years in an eligible occupation if they satisfy all of the other criteria. Skilled foreign agriculture workers can apply for permanent residency in Canada through the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) or another Canadian immigration program. 

People who work in Canada as farmers earn higher incomes than farmers in many other countries, however, Canadian farmers are not among the highest paid workers. Examples of median wages for different types of agriculture jobs in Canada include:  Agriculture Products Inspector ($27.50 CAD per hour); Manager in Agriculture ($24.48 CAD per hour); Farm Supervisor ($23.00 CAD per hour); Animal Health Technologist and Veterinary Technician ($20.00 CAD per hour); Livestock Laborer ($18.00 CAD per hour); and Harvesting Laborer ($15.50 CAD per hour). Keep in mind that most farms are located in rural areas of Canada where housing and the cost of living is generally less expensive.

Farmers have to pay federal and provincial income taxes as well as sales tax. Farm owners must also pay property taxes. 

The top three problems farmers face in Canada are the costs of production, the shortage of farm workers and the impact of climate change.

The average Canadian farmer earns about $20.00 CAD per hour.

The majority of Canada’s 189,874 farms are located in Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, southern Ontario and Quebec.

The best places to live in Canada for an agricultural worker are in Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, southern Ontario and Quebec, since this is where most Canadian farms and jobs are concentrated. The province of Saskatchewan has affordable housing, a low cost of living and a high quality of life. Quebec also has a relatively low cost of living, high quality of life and would be a good place to live in Canada for French-speaking foreign farmers. Another factor to consider is which provinces need your particular agricultural occupation.


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