Quality Education in Canada

Immigrants and their children have access to high-quality educational opportunities living in Canada.

For example, Canada was among the top 10 countries with the highest scores for reading, math and science on the recent OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) exams administered to secondary students.

In fact, if British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec were considered as different countries instead of as Canadian provinces, they would be included in the world’s five best places for science, along with Finland, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.

According to a report published by StatisticsCanada (StatCan) on March 22, 2021, the children of immigrants living in Canada are much more likely to receive a post-secondary education than their Canadian-born peers.

StatCan reported that 70 percent of immigrant children living in Canada during 2018 who were 20 years of age attended higher education institutions (i.e., universities), compared with 56 percent of 20-year-old Canadian-born young people.

The data also shows that the female children of immigrants are more likely to receive a post-secondary education in Canada than male children of immigrants.

Furthermore, if the parents of immigrant children possess a post-secondary education, then their children have a higher probability of receiving a higher education in Canada compared with Canadian-born children.

Immigrants living in Canada can access quality education programs.

Equality in Canadian Education

One of the amazing things about the high quality of education in Canada is that there is no national Canadian education system.

Rather, each province and territory in Canada is responsible for developing and maintaining education programs within its borders.

Despite there being 11 provincial and three territorial education systems in Canada, there is generally a high quality of education and a universal commitment to equal access to educational opportunities for all students.

Another reason that students living in Canada receive a world-class education is that teachers earn good salaries and there are high standards to become a Canadian teacher.



Canada offers immigrants many incredible opportunities, including access to some of the best education programs in the world.

If you immigrate to Canada as a permanent resident, you will gain access to post-secondary education programs to earn a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree, or to study for a single-subject certificate or vocational training program.

As Canadian permanent residents, your children can receive a high-quality education, regardless of where you are living in Canada, which can help to prepare them for higher education options that are widely available in this immigrant-friendly country.

Canadian Visa Expert works with three authorized immigration consultants who have over 10 years of experience guiding individuals and families through the application process for immigration to Canada.

The authorized Canadian immigration consultants can evaluate your details and provide you with an Eligibility Assessment of your best option for immigration to Canada as a permanent resident.

In the event that you satisfy the eligibility requirements for one of the Canadian immigration programs for skilled foreign workers and their families, the authorized immigration consultants can also assist you in correctly applying for a permanent resident visa to Canada.

Receiving a high-quality Canadian education can open the door to excellent career options for you and your family.


DISCLAIMER: This guide is not and shall not be considered as professional or expert advice.


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