Canadian Relocation

A recent analysis of online searches for information about relocation to other countries shows that Canada is the world’s #1 most desired “dream destination” for relocation.

Google search data indicates that relocation to Canada is at the top of the immigration “wish list” for people living in 30 countries, including Nigeria, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Ghana, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Ireland, South Africa, Madagascar, Tunisia, Kenya, and Tanzania.

According to the data analysis, the top 10 “dream destinations” for relocation are: #1 Canada, #2 Japan, #3 Spain, #4 Germany, #5 Qatar, #6 Australia, #7 Switzerland, #8 Portugal, while the United States and United Kingdom were tied for 9th place.

Canada is the most desired dream destination for relocation to another country.

Immigration to Canada was searched for the most in 30 countries; people in 13 countries were mainly interested in Japan; Spain was the top choice in 12 countries; Germany was the most popular destination in 8 countries; individuals in 6 countries selected Qatar; relocation to Australia was the preference in 5 countries; Switzerland is where people in 4 countries would most want to relocate to; Portugal was the clear pick in 3 countries; the majority of relocation searches in 2 countries were for the United States; and the United Kingdom was the dream destination for persons in 2 countries.

The global financial services company that examined the Google search data in 100 countries produced worldwide and regional maps showing which relocation destinations were most desired by people living in different countries.

As the maps suggest, Canadian relocation is the overwhelming choice for people around the world who are searching for better opportunities.

Why Relocate to Canada?

Reasons given for why people in so many countries want to move to Canada include the friendliness of the Canadian people; the thousands of good-paying jobs in Canada that are available to foreign workers; there are many Canadian immigration options; and it is a beautiful country.

Friendly People

People who live in Canada have a reputation for being friendly.

In fact, Canada was listed among the top 10 friendliest countries in the Expat Insider survey!

Furthermore, a recent Gallup survey performed in 145 countries found that Canada is the most immigrant-friendly country in the world.

Canadian Jobs

Skilled immigrants also want to relocate to Canada because there are approximately 900,000 Canadian job openings and jobs in Canada generally pay high salaries.

For example, a male immigrant working in Canada receives a median yearly salary of $62,300 CAD and a female immigrant working in Canada earns an annual median salary of $44,900 CAD.

Immigration Programs

Canadian immigration programs for skilled foreign workers and their families include the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Provincial Nominee Program, Quebec Skilled Worker Program, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program.

Each of these Canadian immigration programs has its own eligibility requirements and application procedure. 

Beautiful Country

Canada is famous for its spectacular scenery, which includes beaches, mountains, rivers, lakes and waterfalls.

Thus, individuals and families can enjoy outdoor activities, like mountain biking, hiking, camping, golfing, snow skiing, kayaking and more in beautiful, peaceful settings.

You don’t even have to go far from home to experience nature, as Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and other Canadian cities have beautiful parks and are among the world’s best cities for quality of life.


There are good reasons why over 400,000 people from around the world immigrate to Canada each year, some of which have been mentioned here.

Why are you thinking about Canadian relocation?

Would you like to have a good-paying job in Canada, live in freedom and equality, send your children to high-quality schools, start your own business, become a Canadian citizen?

Whatever your reasons, Canadian Visa Expert and the authorized immigration consultants who we collaborate with are ready to make the relocation procedure go as smoothly as possible for you and your family.

The first step is to receive an Eligibility Assessment, so you will know which Canadian immigration program you should apply for.

If you qualify, the authorized immigration consultants who work with Canadian Visa Expert can guide you through the entire process for immigration to Canada, so that all of your paperwork will be prepared and filed correctly.


DISCLAIMER: This guide is not and shall not be considered as professional or expert advice.

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