Quebec: Is It Immigrant-Friendly?

When people immigrate to Canada, they naturally hope to be welcomed and feel at home in their new country.

According to the 2019 Gallup Migrant Acceptance Index, Canada was ranked as the #1 most accepting country for immigrants, ahead of Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Sweden – among other countries.

It should not be surprising that Canada is the most immigrant-friendly country in the world, since around 23% of Canadians are foreign-born, Canada was the first country to adopt an official government policy of multiculturalism, and over 450,000 immigrants are welcomed as new Canadian permanent residents each year.

One of the top destinations for immigrants is the French-speaking province of Quebec, which welcomes approximately 50,000 new Canadian permanent residents every year.

Thus, many people wonder: Is Quebec immigrant friendly, too?

This article will discuss immigration to Quebec, with an emphasis on whether Quebec is immigrant friendly, so keep reading to learn more!

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Which is the best city in Quebec for immigration?

Montreal is the top destination for new immigrants moving to Quebec and the #2 most popular place for new immigrants to live in Canada, after #1 Toronto (Ontario) and ahead of #3 Vancouver (British Columbia).

Montreal attracts more immigrants than any other city in Quebec because:

  • Montreal has a strong economy and is a hub for technology, business, finance, education and culture.
  • There are good employment opportunities in Montreal for skilled foreign workers.
  • Most people living in Montreal speak both French and English.
  • Montreal has a low cost of living compared to Toronto and Vancouver.
  • Education in Montreal is world-class and the city is home to top-rated universities, such as McGill University, the University of Montreal and Concordia University.
  • Montreal has many activities available, such as the Montreal International Jazz Festival.
  • Montreal is one of the safest major cities in Canada.
  • 24.3% of the people living in Montreal are foreign-born, so immigrants will feel right at home..
  • Montreal is a diverse city, with 34% of its residents being members of a visible minority (10.3% are Black, 7.3% are Arab, 4.1% are Hispanic, 3.3% are Chinese, and 3.3% are South Asian).

According to a 2023 report, five of the top 10 best cities to raise a family in Canada are in Quebec:

    #1 Trois-Rivières – monthly cost of living for a family of four is $3,388 CAD 

    #2 Québec City – monthly cost of living for a family of four is $4,218 CAD 

    #3 Sherbrooke – monthly cost of living for a family of four is $3,776 CAD 

    #6 Montreal – monthly cost of living for a family of four is $5,763 CAD 

    #8 Gatineau – monthly cost of living for a family of four is $4,663 CAD 

Thus, if you are considering immigration to Quebec and want to live in an immigrant-friendly city, you may want to consider settling in Trois-Rivières, Québec City, Sherbrooke, Montreal or Gatineau.

How immigrant-friendly is Quebec?

Canada is one of the world’s most immigrant-friendly countries and Quebec is one of the most immigrant-friendly Canadian provinces.

Quebec is immigrant friendly in terms of welcoming thousands of immigrants each year and in regards to offering immigrants a high standard of living in Canada.

The Canadian government plans to welcome 485,000 new immigrants in 2023 and around 50,000 of these newcomers will be moving to Quebec.

Quebec is seeking immigrants and especially French-speaking skilled foreign workers to help the province address its ongoing labor shortage.

One of the most popular ways to apply for immigration to Quebec as a skilled foreign worker is through the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (QSWP/RSWP).

Keep in mind that skilled foreign workers who want to immigrate to Quebec will generally need to have at least an intermediate level of French language proficiency (French is the main language used in Quebec, although many people also speak English).

Furthermore, Quebec is immigrant friendly because it offers immigrants a high quality of life.

The cost of living in Quebec, including housing, is generally lower than in other provinces in Canada, such as Ontario or British Columbia, and the salaries in Quebec tend to be higher than other Canadian provinces.

Therefore, immigrants can generally earn more working in Quebec and spend less on housing and other living expenses, which can leave extra money available to save, invest or spend on other things.

Immigrants can receive free or subsidized public healthcare while living in Quebec and have access to quality educational programs.

With good-paying jobs, low cost of living, educational opportunities, universal healthcare, and a low crime rate, it is not surprising that the average life expectancy at birth for people living in Quebec is 83 years! 

Is Quebec open to immigrants?

Not only is Quebec open to immigrants, but the province is actively seeking foreign-born individuals and families for immigration to Quebec so they can contribute to its economy and society.

Thousands of people who are working in Quebec will be retiring this decade, so the demand for skilled immigrants is only expected to grow.

Immigrants are needed in Quebec to help replace retiring workers and to fill new jobs in Quebec that are being created from its growing economy (the second largest economy in Canada, after Ontario).

With nearly one out of four people living in Quebec foreign-born, this diverse province is a place where newcomers can feel welcomed.

Of course, since French is the dominant language used throughout Quebec, it will be easier for immigrants to settle in Quebec, find employment, make friends and become part of Quebec’s society if they possess good French language skills.


So, is Quebec immigrant friendly? The answer is a definite “Yes!”

This is why around 50,000 people from around the world are moving to Quebec each year.

Quebec welcomes immigrants with open arms, has good-paying jobs, affordable housing, low cost of living, and a general high quality of life.

In order for a skilled foreign worker and his or her family to immigrate to Quebec, they will need to satisfy the eligibility requirements for one of the Quebec immigration programs, such as the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (QSWP).

There are other Canadian immigration programs available for skilled foreign workers and their family members who prefer to live and work in Canada’s other provinces or territories.

Examples include the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) and Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), all three of which qualify for Express Entry to Canada.

How can you know which Canadian immigration pathway is right for you and your family?

Since 2012, Canadian Visa Expert has been working with authorized immigration consultants who can provide you with a personal eligibility evaluation so you will know your best option for immigration to Canada.

The immigration consultants who work with Canadian Visa Expert can also guide you through each step of the application process if you qualify, to make sure your forms are filed correctly with the required documents and to answer questions you may have about your particular case.

The first step is to receive your eligibility evaluation.



Discover Frequently Asked Questions from Our Support

Yes, people from Quebec are generally friendly, as are most Canadians. Whether you are just visiting or are living in Quebec, you are likely to feel welcomed in this unique French-speaking Canadian province.

According to a 2023 survey, seven of the top 20 happiest cities in Canada are in the province of Quebec. Lévis was rated as the #6 happiest city in Canada, while Saguenay was ranked #9, Repentigny was #11, Blainville was #12, Terrebonne was #13, Granby was #16, and Laval was #20.

Yes, Québec City is good for immigrants in regards to being a welcoming city for newcomers and because it offers a high quality of life. Housing and the cost of living in Québec City are lower than in many other large cities in Canada. Québec City is usually among the Canadian cities with the lowest unemployment rates, so there are plenty of good-paying jobs to choose from. Some of the top industries in Québec City include business, financial services, digital arts, electronics, health technologies and life sciences. There is also a special French Canadian charm in Québec City and many parts of this beautiful, historic city have a European feel to them. 


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