What Can Be Done if a Canadian Study Permit Is Refused?

What options are available in case of a refusal of a Canadian study permit?

Over the past several years, Canada has become one of the main destinations for international students to pursue their higher education. Many are interested in the education system in the Great White North. On the other hand, relevant authorities are becoming stricter in giving out Canadian Study Permits.

Are you one of those aspiring foreign students whose student visa has been denied by the Canadian embassy? Below, we will show you what you can do if your Canadian student permit is rejected, including the reasons for refusal and detailed steps you should take.

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Why is Canada rejecting student visas?

Just like they need a clear reason to give you a student visa (study permit), Canadian authorities will never deny your visa application without strong grounds. One of the main reasons is that you don’t have a complete travel history or you have been denied permission to enter the country in the past.

Canadian authorities also require you to have enough resources to live in the country and complete your study program. As you may already know, you will need a certain amount of money to pay for accommodation, tuition fees, and other living expenses. That being said, they may also deny your student visa application if you cannot display financial stability.

Another common reason for Canadian student visa rejection is poor academic performance. The authorities want to make sure that you move to Canada with the intent of studying and that you are able to meet the requirements set by the academic institution. Thus, you need to show them that you have great academic achievements.

How can I avoid study permit rejection in Canada?

Sure enough, getting a student visa rejection letter is a nightmare for an international student. Although it is totally up to the authorities whether they want to give you one or not, there are things you can do to improve your opportunity to get a Canadian study permit.

The first thing you should do is to gather enough documentation, which includes a valid passport, letter of acceptance from a Canadian academic institution and proof of funds. Make sure you know exactly the required documents and that you have them all ready when applying.

Besides doing the things above, you should also show decent language proficiency. You generally need to have an IELTS score of at least 5.5 in each category and an overall score of at least 6.0 when applying for an undergraduate degree program. If you have a score lower than that limit, you should retake the IELTS test until you get the required score. In general, you may need to attain an IELTS score of at least 6.0 in each category and a score of at least 6.5 overall if applying for a graduate degree program.f

Can I appeal the study permit refusal?

Regardless of why you got your study permit refused, you can appeal the refusal if you believe that your application was complete and strong enough. Of course, you need to be very sure that the authorities made an error when making the decision.

Before deciding what to do after receiving your refusal letter, ask the IRCC office to give you a copy of the note that explains the incident. Review the note and see if you can find a mistake within it that makes the decision invalid.

Then, to make your appeal stronger, you should gather additional evidence. Look for documents and other important things that might help you show that the authorities did not make a fair decision for your study permit application.

Can I re-apply again on my own?

After spending time analyzing the refusal note and gathering the needed evidence, you can start your appeal process. One way to do this is by re-applying for a Canadian student permit on your own. The steps below will guide you through the procedure.

  1. Fill in the application form once again. You have to complete the online application form to re-apply, just like what you did with your original application. Even if the form is long and detailed, you should not miss any important information.
  2. Pay the fee for your student permit application. After completing the extensive form, you need to pay for the application. Currently, you have to spend $150 CAD, but do check the official website for the latest information.
  3. Submit your student permit application. Once you are done paying the application fee, you can submit the application form. You have the option to do so through the official website, email, or in person at the Canadian embassy or consulate in your country.

While the application process might take a few days to complete, the good news is that there is no legal limit on how many times you can re-apply for a Canadian student permit. So, as long as you have the time and energy, you are free to go over the procedure as many times as you want.

Still, experiences from past applicants show that it might be hard for someone to get a better result if they re-apply on their own, especially if they have done it multiple times and still get rejected.

Therefore, it may be a better idea to get professional advice. For example, an authorized representative (such as a Canadian immigration consultant, lawyer or Quebec notary) may be able to point out any mistake made by the authorities and turn the table so that you can, hopefully, get the Canada study permit you want.

How Can CVE Help?

Whether you choose to re-apply on your own or ask an authorized representative to help you during the process, it can be helpful to obtain a CVE. A CVE stands for conditionally valid educational document (other terms might be used) and it is issued by a designated educational institution.

The main reason you obtain this document is to show that you have the academic capacity to study at a Canadian academic institution. Before issuing one, the designated educational institution will review your previous student visa application.

You should keep in mind that not all Canadian academic institutions offer CVE documents. So, before you re-apply for a student visa, contact the academic institution of your choice and check if it offers CVEs.


Getting your student permit application rejected does not mean that it is the end of the world. So, do not give up just yet and believe in yourself that getting a Canadian student permit is not an impossible thing to do!

Know why you did not succeed on your first attempt and figure out the things you should do to improve your chance of getting a Canadian student permit. If you think professional assistance is needed, you might consider finding an authorized Canadian immigration consultant or lawyer to guide you.


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What if my Canada study permit is refused?

When it comes to granting student permits and visas, the Canadian government is actually pretty generous. However, students must meet certain requirements to earn it, which is why it is common for people to get their applications rejected. If you got your student permit application rejected, there are two possible routes you can choose: to appeal the decision or to re-apply. The first alternative will require you to gather additional evidence and show that there is an error in the decision-making process. The latter option, however, may not give you a better result unless you have provided all the needed documents. A key factor is the reason why your study permit was refused (for example, missing details vs. having a criminal record, etc.).

What are the chances of getting a Canada Student Visa after refusal?

You actually have a decent chance to get your Canadian student visa (study permit), even after you get it refused several times. The most important thing here is to know the mistake you made with the previous application and make sure you correct it with the next one. If the problem is not serious, such as missing details or incorrect addresses, then it should not be hard for you to get it right the next time. Unfortunately, if it is related to criminal records or lack of financial capabilities, then there might be a low chance of your Canadian student visa being approved.

Can I appeal a Canada study permit refusal?

Yes, it is very possible for you to appeal a Canada study permit refusal. As long as you have the pieces of evidence that show your academic and financial capabilities (and you are not criminally inadmissible), then you should be confident when you appeal the decision. 

Does visa refusal affect future visa applications?

Yes, your previous visa refusal history does play a role in your future visa application. The Canadian government is pretty serious about the immigration process and its authorities will actually review any visa application you have submitted in the past. However, you still have the chance to earn your Canadian student visa if you can convince the authorities. Mainly, you need to show them three things: your ability to support yourself while you are living in Canada, your willingness to go back to your country after you complete your studies, and a clean criminal record.

Can I go to Canada without a study permit?

Not everyone who wants to visit Canada must have a study permit. There are many kinds of Canadian visas and permits available and a study permit is generally not needed unless you want to stay within the country for more than 6 months to attend an educational program at a designated learning institution full-time. (There are some situations in which an international student might need a study permit for a Canadian educational program lasting less than 6 months.) Still, you will need to meet all of the requirements to enter the country with an electronic travel authorization (eTA), visitor visa, or other Canadian visa or permit (as relevant for your situation).


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