Jobs in Canada for Nigerian

Are you a Nigerian looking to work in Canada? Explore the various job opportunities available in Canada that match your skills and experience.

Planning to move to Canada for work or even to permanently relocate, but unsure which job you will be able to take in as a Nigerian?

We’ll try to give you a good idea of what type of work you can do in Canada, the requirements and the salary that you will be able to earn, and hopefully, resolve your uncertainties, so that you can plan your relocation to Canada with peace of mind.

Let’s look at the current job market situation in Canada first.

According to the Canadian government’s website, the unemployment rate stands at 5%, which is a bit above the world benchmark, but still considered relatively low.

Currently, there are 21,120,500 people working in Canada and earning on average $1,171/week.

There are 991,680 open Canadian job vacancies with a shortage of skilled workers and unskilled workers, in various industries, such as agricultural, industrial, construction, information technology, health and medical, and other sectors.

Table of Contents

Minimum Requirements for Jobs in Canada for a Nigerian

The requirements for each Canadian job vacancy is different and the success of getting the job will also depend on your qualifications and experience.

Below, are the seven most important qualifications that will increase your chances of qualifying for the job you are applying for:

1. Academic Qualifications: While the exact qualifications required can differ for each job, having a high school diploma, college diploma, or a university degree is often necessary. It is important to have your Nigerian qualifications assessed and recognized in Canada. The International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) or World Education Services (WES) can help you evaluate and validate your academic credentials.

2. Language Proficiency: Fluency in English or French is essential, as they are Canada’s official languages. For most positions, you will need to demonstrate your language proficiency through an approved test, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test d’évaluation de français (TEF). Employers may require a minimum score on these tests for them to consider your application.

3. Work Experience: Relevant work experience in your field is a critical requirement for many jobs in Canada. Your previous experience in Nigeria will be considered, but understanding Canadian job market standards and tailoring your resume to emphasize transferable skills is essential. Some professions may also require Canadian experience, which can be acquired through internships, volunteering, or part-time work.

4. Professional Certifications: If you are in a regulated profession (such as engineering, nursing, or teaching), it is essential to obtain the necessary certifications or licenses from relevant regulatory bodies in Canada. This may involve taking an equivalency examination, completing additional training, or fulfilling other requirements.

5. Networking and Job Search Strategies: Developing a strong professional network and using effective job search strategies can also play a vital role in finding a job in Canada. Attend networking events, engage with professional associations and use online platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with potential employers and learn about opportunities in your field.

6. Temporary Residency or Work Permit: Nigerian citizens will often require a temporary resident visa or a work permit to work in Canada (although thousands are also approved each year for Canadian permanent residency). The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP) are two options that can facilitate the work visa application process.

7. Adaptability and Canadian Work Culture: Understanding and embracing the Canadian work culture is crucial to your success in the job market. Familiarize yourself with the general practices and workplace expectations in Canada, including punctuality, teamwork, communication styles, and professional conduct.

Jobs in Canada for a Nigerian

With various sectors experiencing growth and offering employment to skilled professionals, the chances of finding both temporary and permanent jobs in Canada for Nigerian nationals increase greatly. Some of the leading industries in which Nigerians can find Canadian employment include Information Technology (IT), Healthcare, Engineering, Finance, and Education.

The IT industry in Canada is booming, with emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Data Analytics leading the charge. Companies such as Shopify, Amazon, and Google have offices in Canada, expanding the job opportunities for IT professionals across the board, from software development to cybersecurity.

The Healthcare industry in Canada also presents multiple avenues for career growth for Nigerian professionals.

Similarly, the Engineering sector in Canada is thriving, and Nigerian citizens with experience and qualifications can find suitable opportunities in fields such as civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering. The construction, energy, mining, and manufacturing industries all require skilled engineers to contribute to their growth (Engineers Canada, 2021).

The Finance sector provides excellent job prospects for Nigerian professionals with a background in finance, accounting, investment, or banking.

The Education sector in Canada offers numerous opportunities for Nigerian professionals, from K-12 teaching positions to jobs in higher education.

Lastly, there are also jobs in Canada available in agriculture, fruit picking, harvesting, packing, manufacturing, and production businesses.


There are various immigration programs that can help you obtain residency in Canada that will allow you as a Nigerian to live and work in Canada legally, with the Federal Skilled Worker Program and Federal Skilled Trades Program among the most popular.

To apply for either of these Canadian immigration programs, you don’t need to have a secured job in advance; however, it might increase the chances significantly of getting approved for Canadian residency.

Find out today if your skills and expertise are in demand in Canada and which program you qualify for!

Canadian Visa Expert is here to help you figure out just that and make the process easier for you.


Discover Frequently Asked Questions from Our Support

What kind of employment is available in Canada for Nigerians?

There are plenty of jobs in Canada available for someone from Nigeria, depending on your qualifications and previous work experience. These positions are currently among those in high-demand in Canada:  General Laborer; Welder; Driver; Receptionist; Sales Associate; Web Developer; Business Development Manager; Project Manager; Heavy-Duty Mechanic; Electrical Engineer; Accountant; Human Resource Manager; Retailer; and Financial Adviser – among many others!

Is it simple to get employment in Canada?

Whether it will be easy or hard to find employment in Canada is a very individualized situation. You need to be prepared to go through all the interview stages, have your CV meet the Canadian standards, and more.

What is the average salary for Nigerians in Canada?

The average salary in Canada is $1,173/week. However, the job that you qualify for and the company that you will be employed by will set the salary level for you, based on your education, experience and other factors. Thus, the salary will deviate from the number mentioned earlier. You can either earn less or more.


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